What really is NAD+?

Let’s be honest, most of us aren’t scientists so when we hear of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (or NAD+), our eyes might glaze over. But here’s why this is why NAD+ might be worth paying some attention to. 

What Is NAD+? 

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a crucial coenzyme found in every cell of your body. It plays a vital role in energy production, helping convert nutrients into energy your cells can use to function properly. Think of NAD+ as a cellular energy booster—without it, your cells would struggle to keep up with daily energy demands. 

Why Do We Need NAD+?

As we age, NAD+ levels naturally decline, which can lead to decreased energy, slower cell repair, and increased physical signs of aging. A study showed that by the time we are 50, our NAD+ levels have decreased to about half of youthful levels. This is why supporting NAD+ levels can help maintain your body’s vitality as you get older. Increasing NAD+ has been linked to improved metabolism, healthier aging, and better overall energy.

How Can You Boost Your NAD+ Levels?

There are several ways to boost your body’s NAD+ levels, including through your diet and lifestyle. Foods rich in B vitamins, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can all support healthy NAD+ levels. However, the easiest way to ensure you're getting enough NAD+ is through supplements. 

Here are the most common types of NAD+ supplements:

  • NAD+ Capsules & Pills:
    These typically contain precursors like nicotinamide riboside (NR) or nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) that your body converts into NAD+. While capsules are convenient, they can take time to be fully absorbed, and dosage consistency may vary.
  • NAD+ Powders:
    Powdered supplements are another popular choice. They can be mixed into water or smoothies, though some people find the taste off-putting, and it may take a while for the body to absorb and process.
  • NAD+ Injections & IV Drips:
    For a more direct boost, some people opt for NAD+ injections or IV drips. These provide high levels of NAD+ quickly but are expensive and require a medical setting, making them less practical for everyday use.

Enter YOUTHWATER: The NAD+ Enhanced Beverage

YOUTHWATER is designed to help you naturally increase your NAD+ levels with convenience and ease. Packed with NAD+ precursors and essential vitamins, it’s your go-to for hydro rejuvenation and energy support. With just drinking the equivalent of two YOUTHWATERs a day, you can help increase your NAD+ levels more than 25% in as little as 2 weeks.  

The best part? We have made increasing your NAD+ levels as easy as just drinking water. 


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